Editorial Policy

At Coinpalais, we aim to maintain high journalistic standards to provide our readers with unique and quality articles and news. When writing for us, you agree to these terms and understand that if you don’t follow them, your article could be rejected by us. You will enter a contract with us that will demand your written agreement to this policy.


We expect all articles to be 100% original and pass Copyscape and other plagiarism checks. The writer should only send ‘never-published-before’ content for approval by our editors. It would be best to focus on writing content that provides value to our readers. Articles plagiarized or spun from a pre-published article will be rejected.

Claims And Data

All claims and data regarding finance should be duly examined before including in the article. The clients will entertain no false claims or biased data. We ensure that whatever data is published on our website is already available in the public domain and verified by relevant sources. The writers must link the data/statistics/claims to an appropriate webpage where it was published previously.

Always seek to provide empirical evidence about the claims. You can include pictures, graphs, and screenshots to prove your claims. If no authority websites or experts back up your claim, you should avoid using it in your article.


All the articles you write should contain value for our readers. Your article should have a definite objective which must be followed to provide value. We aim to provide articles that can present the latest news to our readers and help them understand the nuances of various finances. All the articles should be completely unbiased, and there should be no promotion/marketing of any currency, market, or company.

Promotions And Marketing

No article should contain any claims or information about a finance/company/person for marketing or promotional purposes. Your articles’ title, subheadings, and content should always remain straightforward and unbiased. It would be best not to link any article promoting a company/currency/person. We strongly discourage the use of promotional/marketing links in our articles.


Remember that our readers are not the general public but are genuinely interested in finance. Your articles should always contain valuable information for readers who already understand finance. We aim to provide them with the latest information and news about different finances. Therefore, understand our readers before writing an article for them.

Acceptance Of The Article

The acceptance of the article is solely dependent on the editorial board. Our editors can accept or reject without an explanation. When an article is accepted, we will intimidate our decision. Each decision by the board will be final and binding to all the writers.

News Writing

While writing news for us, make sure that you are verifying it with all credible sources. Even though we have smaller timelines for news publication on our platform, we find it essential to focus on the authenticity of each news post before publication. Make sure that empirical evidence is available for each news article and data presented in the post.

We expect you to follow this editorial policy for creating high-quality content for our readers.

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